Monday, May 22, 2023

May 22,2023 DNA update

 Updated information:As of May 22, 2023, I am now 

England & Northwestern Europe(Primarily located in: Channel Islands, England, also found in: Belgium, France, Germany, Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Wales) 39 %;  Sweden & Denmark  (Primarily located in: Denmark, Sweden, also found in: Belgium, England, Faroe Islands, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland) 30%; Ireland, 19%; Norway, 8%, Wales, 2%, Scotland, 2%.

As of May 9,2022, I am now Norway 10%Sweden & Denmark 23%Great Britain-(includes France, Germany, north west Europe) 43%; Ireland/-20%; Scottish/Wales- 4%, 

As of March, 2022, I was Norway6%Sweden & Denmark35%Great Britain-(includes France, Germany, north west Europe) 65%; Ireland/-26%; Scottish/Wales- 7%, Iberian Peninsula-3%.}

I was: Scandinavian-30%;  Western European-26%; Great Britain-24%; Ireland-17%; and others-

Finnish/Northern Russia region, Iberian Peninsula-3%.